Tuesday, April 1, 2014


“In the end, we must all answer for our mistakes.”
...words uttered by my grandmother during a heated discussion with my mom. It has become painfully apparent that, after my grandfather’s death, I am now the black sheep on both sides of the family. It is even clearer that those words were directed towards me rather than my older cousin.
The actual history between my cousin and I shall be saved for another time. What I would like to discuss is a bigger picture. “With what does God concern himself?” What are the mistakes we must confess and serve penitence? Indeed, this is an age-old question in which the answers vary from each religious sect and each individual person.
My grandmother raised me to believe in Catholicism…in the Saints. My mom raised me to have a strong faith in God…in Christianity. Events in my past led me to create my own deeper faith in God – in a higher power – and what my purpose in life is…or should be.
With that said, let us go back to my grandmother’s words…
“In the end, we must all answer for our mistakes.”
Granted, the obvious answer for my mistake would be pride. Simply for the reason that, at this point in my life, I believe I have no mistake to apologize for. I believe that God would not look down on me and tell me that I will not enter those pearly gates of Heaven. I understand we have our religious sects dictating virtues and vices, but to what extent does the almighty God judge us? We all have our moments of weakness, but is that what He counts against us? I think not.
I believe we have a purpose in life. If we follow the word of God and spread the gifts that He provided us – the talents within each individual – we need not ask for forgiveness, because we have served His intent. Even through our vices, we use our experience, our struggles, to help others in their time of need. We send out the word of our higher power, be it Buddha, God, or Muhammad, so on. We send out positivity and productivity into the world. It is in that way, we can further our progression in humanity. We do not judge or condemn those of different views, but we assist them in contributing to a bigger picture. The need to progress…the need to educate…the need to stay positive in a dreary state…this is the bigger picture and this is what we work towards.
If we use these gifts from our higher power, if we reach out to help others learn and work to achieve their goals…we need not ask for forgiveness from our small misdeeds. We can stand proud and say, “I have listened to your word and shared my talents to help build this world you made.” In the end, we can state, “I have helped many and harmed no one.”