Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Topic Expansion

Well, hello to all of you who have stuck along during last month. I appreciate your loyalty. Plus, I feel like I’m writing with some kind of meaning…rather than sending blogs into the abyss of, well, nowhere.

Today, I am sending a blurb on a topic expansion. Because of my experience with children, I have learned that there is always one thing that never changes when working with children…things change. Yes, my family, friends, fellow bloggers and readers…things change. With change, I can guarantee you one thing about children…you will always be surprised. Children and pets are magnificent creatures that constantly change and surprise the heck outta’ you.

Therefore, my topic expansion will include stories of my experiences with children…with pets…with teaching…name it. Granted, I will change the names to protect the innocent…as well as the not-so-innocent. They will be true stories, though. Do not doubt that.

Please note that these are stories based from my experience and the knowledge acquired through my experience. I am sharing this to offer another point-of-view, but I am not saying that I know everything. If you were to ever run into someone who “knows everything,” run the opposite way, because they, probably, know nothing. No. I’m not a guru. I am just sharing the funniness of my mistakes and dumbfounded-ness.

…meet me back here on February 10th.

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