Monday, July 30, 2012

Don't Push Me


Noun : Corned Beef

Noun : Person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker

Noun : Person who hurts, persecutes, or intimidates weaker people

Noun : Person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, expecially to smaller or weaker people

Noun : A hired ruffian; a thug

Noun : A pimp

Verb : Use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants

Verb : To make (one’s way) aggressively

Verb : To treat in an overbearing or intimidating manner

Adjective : Very good; first-rate

Exclamation : An expression of admiration or approval

Need I go on? Granted, most of these are archaic…the ones defining “bully” in a positive manner. Nonetheless, there are your definitions taken from google, the free dictionary and other various internet dictionary sources. I, personally, like the “Corned Beef” explanation.

Bullies and bullying has been widely discussed through various mediums. News media cover the public displays of bullying. Twitter and YouTube cover youths (sometimes adults) at the scene of the bullying incidents. Even Comedy Central’s“South Park” did a show about bullying. We have internet articles on defining and preventing bullying. There are programs out there to help those who are bullied. Yet, the battle lives on and these Corned Beefs continue to make their way aggressively.

There are many kinds of bullies…from childhood through adults, real life and cyber life…we can find bullying everywhere. I have, yet, to understand why people do what they do. For bullies to perpetuate such hate, it must be damaging to their soul. Mustn’t it? For the victims searching many ways to prevent such hate from infecting their soul…that has got to be rough. At the same time, I am a realist and – as much as you may hate what I am about to say – there will always be bullies and there will always be victims; Just like we will always have the rich and the poor. It will never stop. As a matter of fact, trying to stop it will, often, make it worse for the victim. It’s sad, I know, but true.

I work with many kids, including bullies. Yes, I try to enlighten them of their ways, but it is very challenging and time-consuming to do so. At the same time, I work with the victims of such abuse. It’s easier to work with the victims, because they want change! They want to be stronger and not be bullied anymore. How do I help them? I tell them to quit whining and stand up strong…ready to fight. I teach them easy hits – I learned back in the day when I had to fight guys twice my size, because they groped me – and how to bring the “big boys”down. The hardest part, though, is telling them these things and knowing that their parents are saying, “Just ignore them. When you get older…you’ll be better off than them.”

I choose to believe it’s true. I want to believe that the victims of today will be the Bill Gates of tomorrow. Yet, how can you tell a child who is at the end of his or her rope to “just ignore them.” This is why we have victim deaths. We don’t provide them with the tools they need to survive the wild. We are leaving them out in a battlefield with no weapon and no backup. The backup we do provide – telling an authority figure or enlisting the help of programs – only make things worse for these victims. We need the weak to become strong.

One of my most challenging, soul-searching bully backup is when a child must face an adult bully. We train our children to behave and be submissive to adults. Then we have such ignoramuses bullying children, because they aren’t Corned Beef enough to handle their own age group. How do we fix that? To be honest, where are the websites addressing those issues?

Nowhere…Why? We want our children in the school system to be emotion-less robots. Instead of raising children to do what is polite, how about raising them to politely question things and people? It not only helps them to learn that it’s okay to ask questions, but also shows that it’s okay to ask adults question when something doesn’t seem quite right. The most intelligent people have questioned authority figures. They have also gotten in trouble a lot, but that is our job…to protect children when they do have questions…not silence them.

One of the children that I work with is a victim of bullying. He is a victim of dog attacks, peer attacks and adult mind games. I can see the self-esteem dwindle and all I want to do is show him how to fight back, how to politely question authority and how to call out a bully when he meets one. Unfortunately, I am not his parent and don’t have the authority to do so.

Like I said before, we will always have the rich and poor, the users and abusers, the bullies and the victims. It is only when we provide the tools required to strengthen the weak; that is when we can minimize the outcome of bullies. We are not training bullies. We are training survivors.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Way Past the Fifteen Day Mark

I had been hoping that, after fifteen days, I would have amazing news to share with ya’ll. “Hey guys! It’s been past fifteen days of working out and I lost one hundred pounds!” Okay, maybe not that amazing...but I was hoping for something great to share about my progress. Unfortunately, you all get to hear that I have worked out TWICE in fifteen days. Yes, yes, I added an extra workout since the my previous posting. Good for me! Ha, ha.

After my workout, I went into my closet. Did you know I only have two shirts – both are t-shirts – that fit me? Also, we mustn’t forget my one pair of holey-jeans. So, I went to Kohl’s to buy some shirts. I love Kohl’s. They have fatty clothes that are still stylish. Wal-Mart tries very hard, but fatties look fatter in Wally World’s apparel. I have Lane Bryant, but that’s an hour’s drive away…with the gas prices so high, I ain’t driving that far for apparel.

As I came home, ready to hang my TWO b-e-a-utiful Kohl’s shirts in my closet, I noticed that I have no closet space! Clothes that don’t fit me are being selfish and taking up all my closet space. It’s bad enough that they are hating on me and refuse to stretch to my size, but to take up ALL my closet space…? How rude!

I contemplated what to do. I have clothes from when I was a size eight in my storage. Before I realize, they – too – will be hanging in my closet…someday…but I digress. I don’t want to donate or trash my apparel, because – with just a couple plus ten, maybe fifteen, pounds – I will be able to wear those clothes again. So, storage unit it is!

I went to Staple’s to buy boxes. “I need one box for my thin sweaters, one box for my thick sweaters…oh, heck, let’s just get all of the boxes.” Then I got started working. As I was packing, I remembered that I stored – okay stuffed –clothes that were two sizes smaller in my cabinet. “Well, since I’m packing, I might as well store those too!” So, I pulled those clothes out of my cabinet. Then, such a great idea hit my head like a hammer to a nail, “I should get my storage clothes and sort those out also!” The beginning of a BIG project came to be.

I, now, sleep on the couch with my two dogs accompanying me. Then, in the mornings, I look into my bedroom – the only private place where I can work out– and think, “I need to finish this; so, I can exercise!” It’s been five days of clothes organizing and storage. Whose great idea was this anyway!?!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Chick Channels

I am not a fan of “chick channels.”Women’s Entertainment, Lifetime, Style…name it…I am not a fan. The messages these channels send are atrocious, but these channels are car accidents for me. Despite my disdain for the chosen programming that these producers play, I cannot help myself from watching these shows. I can feel the anger, frustration, the shock from watching the programs, but I fail to turn the channel and just say “NO” to this horrible drug of mine. I am weak and admittedly have no plans on strengthening my will power to be able to look away from such mindless dribble. After all, I feel more intelligent and my life looks a lot better after watching others in a far worse predicament than myself.
No wonder singles desperately seek companionship. We have so many wedding shows promoting how it’s better to be miserable and married than to be happily single. Yes, I have planned how my wedding dress will look and that I want a tasty (and huge) wedding cake. However, I am happy to be single rather than be in an unhealthy relationship. I wonder why in the world some of these men would choose to be in a relationship with a whiney, a ghetto get-in-your-face, or a lush bridezilla. I question the sanity of these brides who cry at the sight of a wrinkled wedding dress or a dress that has become too tight or too loose. Have these brides heard about steam cleaning, ironing, alterations...the fact that the world does not end because of a fixable situation? Enough complaints, ladies, just say “yes” to a dress! You can alter it later.
The way these girls behave is shockingly abhorrent and I can’t believe how people would accept or even tolerate such behavior. Yet, these channels are gaining profit and celibritizing these brides…thus promoting and perpetuating such behavior. I can’t really chastise these programmers, though. After all, people, like me, are finding themselves to be passerby’s to such a car wreck resulting in supporting such behaviors. Because of my decision (as well as other viewers) to not change the channel, we are not only playing a significant role by promoting this behavior, but we are also allowing our females to believe that marriage is the way to go in life. Don’t give me Sex in the City…that’s just as trashy and misguided as the “chick channels.” Where are the stories about single women who live responsibly and don’t need to be married or need to “use” men to get what they want? Oh, wait, that’s like watching cars driving on the street…not interesting at all…car wrecks are much better to watch. Now, I understand.
Despite the drama-filled shows, I stand up on my soap box shouting out (figuratively) to all of my readers (which total two):
Let us STOP the perpetual insanity and change the channel.
Let us not promote such interesting filth.
Let us watch something educational that teaches us how to better ourselves.
Let us…..
Let us finish reading this blog, because Jerseylicious has just begun.

Until next time…happy viewing whatever blog, email, or show you choose to watch.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Pipe Cleaner Madness

I had been helping with a dress rehearsal the other day. It brought back many memories…from the days I was a performer to the days I helped others perform. I watched moms panicking from losing a child, while the child was standing right in front of them. There were people worried about the order of the performance. Others had to soothe crying children.

The children were in their own little world – having fun coloring and playing with pipe cleaners while watching the Barbie fairy movie – not noticing all the chaos around them. One of the parents warned me about “the little troublemaker.” She causes so much trouble for the girls in her group as well as picking on all the older girls. They, unknowingly, told me something that I already figured out. You see, I had already met her and knew exactly what to expect.

As the girls grew more comfortable with me, they would show me their pipe cleaner masterpieces. Some had bracelets; others made necklaces. “The little troublemaker” came up to show me her work of art…two pipe cleaners twisted together at one end and open at the other.

“Oh, look! You made a ‘V’.” I said to her.

She shook her head and I was left to guess again at her work of art.

“No? Well, it looks so great. What is it???” I asked…mainly, because I hate guessing.

A devilish grin spread across her face as she growled her answer to me, “HORNS!!!”