Sunday, April 1, 2012

Diary of a Fatty Slimdown

Yes, I know, I know. How many people share their stories of dieting and exercise? I’m no different than Shaniqua or Bob from down the street. Yet, I have given in and making my struggles public in the hopes that I will make myself feel obligated to lose the weight. I have no idea if this will work, but I know that I will soon find out.

I have struggled with my weight from childhood. Coming from a Mexican, overeating family…we share our love through food. Heck, we share every emotion through food. We offer guests food. When we are guests, we are polite and accept food offerings. Long story short, food has always been in my life.

In high school, I found that minimizing my eating to one meal a day – or none at all – helped my weight loss. I went from a size eighteen to a size eight in less than one semester and felt fabulous. However, with time and stress, I piled it back on.

By the time I hit college, I tried several ways of keeping my weight down. One way was traditional bulimia…binge and purge. I enjoyed every food and then some, but didn’t have the consequences of eating too much. When I grew tired of that, I exercised six to seven hours a day to make up for my one or two meals I ate. You can’t live life like this, as I learned.

So, I worked on myself. I worked on accepting myself as I am…an overabundance of joy. I worked on not focusing on vanity and focusing on the quality of the person. I, for the most part, feel that I have achieved that.

Now, here I am, at twenty-nine years of age and knees cracking – I’ve always had weak knees – and, at times, finding that I need to catch my breath. This is not the way to live and, if I don’t do something about it, I will only get worse with age. Plus, it will only get more difficult to lose weight with age.

So, my darlings, will you care to join me in my last ditch effort of losing weight? Would you like to come along for the ride?

…no foolies…come back April 10th.

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