Friday, April 20, 2012

What not to tell a fatty

Because I had worked in the health industry – oh, the irony – for a while…I’ve discovered many things. I’ve learned how easily people are willing to share fitness advice with a fatty…even if they are wrong. I have also figured out that anyone feels free to comment on one’s grocery cart and give nutritional advice. Then, of course, the ultimate lesson…a fatty’s worst critic is a former fatty.

Despite these “lessons for a fatty,” I have some lessons to share of my own. I will dispense these lessons not to fellow fatties – for, they already have learned them – but to fellow critics.

Yes, I do realize that fad diets don’t work. I’ve probably tried them all.

Yes, I know it shouldn’t be called a diet…it’s a “lifestyle change.”

My collection of fitness videos, probably, out-numbers any fitness library’s collection. So, I know how important exercise is for the body.

In my goal to accept myself as who I am, I have purchased enough self-help books to qualify for a doctorate’s in counseling.

Every body is different…what works for one body may not work for the other.

Everybody is different…what works for one may not work for the other.

By the way…did you get the previous two? Take a minute. Okay, minute over, moving on…

The final lesson for my critics…I love who I am. I can change my weight, but you will always be a close-minded critic. Deal with it. I’m off to enjoy my life.

…enjoy your lives and I will see you April 30th.

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