Thursday, November 1, 2012

Stack 'em Up

When we are in an overeater family, it’s everyman for himself. The battlefield is in the kitchen or the dining room table. What a gruesome battle; Grabbing as much as you can possibly stuff down during the first round, because in the second round you will find nothing!

When I housesit, I find myself not having to eat as much and *gasp* even throwing away food. Something just triggers the overeater in me, once I get home, and I have to eat to survive. I have to enjoy everything now, because there will be no later.

My brother, on the other hand, has taken this cycle and continued it towards his living arrangement. He explained that – even at his work – when they have donuts…he’s on his third, while others are finishing their first. Same goes for pizza and other food brought during the lunch breaks.

Why must we do this? Why can’t we tell our mind, “It’s okay to have a little bit. If you need more, you can go get some at the store.” We, inevitably, perpetuate this binge cycle with others. We incite a panic with others when they see us grabbing our food. Then they, in response, stack up their plate with food. Oh my gosh…what do we do when we see them? Yup…it’s a vicious cycle.

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